Monday, March 20, 2006
386 Extended Mode plz!

After messing around with my new M3 all day i quickly discovered that the default skin really REALLY sucks. So therefore i cranked up the good ol' paint and made this neat Windows 3.1 skin, designed to bring back that nostalgic 16 bit feeling.
All the images and everything else i used to make the skin is included in the zip, so feel free to change stuff if you didnt like it... :)

Download HERE (50 KB)
- posted by Kleevah @ 00:42 2 comments

Friday, March 17, 2006
M3 Perfect!

Everybodys favorite modplayer running on the M3!
My M3 finally arrived today, so huge thanks to Danny and the rest of team M3 for the sample. Did some quick tests, and shockingly all my programs seems to work perfect with it, woo-yay! \o/

And about PAMOD 1.2, its ALMOST there, only waiting for some small updates from Mollusk...
- posted by Kleevah @ 17:54 0 comments

Saturday, January 14, 2006
Some small projects

Haven't updated in some time, so i thought I'd just put up something usefull here...
So here are two small projects I've worked a bit on since last update:

Port of the awesome Windows 3.1 game SkiFree. Far from complete, but the stylus steering works fine A really simple, but cool, 2D-effect that looks like 3D. Screenshot doesn't do justice, test it on hardware!
Download (.ds.gba + .nds, 143 KB) Download (.ds.gba + .nds, 136 KB)

(No sourcecode download, as they are really only tests, just mail me if you want it though ;)

PS: I am working on a new version of PAMOD at the moment, expect a new release shortly :D
- posted by Kleevah @ 00:32 1 comments

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Very very small update. From history.txt:
- Made the scrolling smoother (now you can hold down the pad to scoll)
- Fixed the border of the default skin a bit
- Made the fading at boot a bit more smooth (still not 100% happy about it)

PAMOD 1.1 (1,6 MB)  |  Source (17 KB)
- posted by Kleevah @ 17:24 0 comments

Tuesday, October 18, 2005
PAMOD 1.0 released!

FINALLY, 1.0 of my "secret project", PAMOD, is released... YAHOO!
To quote myself:

"PAMOD is a highly customizable music player for the old trackerformat "mod". The goal of the project is a small, but customizable, stand alone player with a quick and easy filesystem. This first release is just a fundament which i will continue to add features to continuously."

Read more about it here
- posted by Kleevah @ 23:35 0 comments

Wednesday, October 12, 2005
New project!

So, i finally got myself started with a new project. Now im not gonna say what it is just yet, but its VERY neat and something i always wanted on GBA. I'll post more info later when i got a little more finished product.

Here is some status:
  • Core = 100%
  • Visuals = 100%
  • Deployment = 100%

    EDIT 17.10.05 - Its done!

  • Friday, September 02, 2005
    Stop! Compotime!

    Kraln has just announced his Back to (old) school kompo, a sweet oldschool compo for several formats! Twist is, only 4bit color... now that will surely make things very interesting.

    Now if i only could get some good game ideas... :(
    - posted by Kleevah @ 10:09 0 comments

    Thursday, September 01, 2005
    OH SHI-

    As per NOW, the site is officially online! yahoo!
    (PS: content sold seperatly k?)

    Donate 2 4ch ok...
    - posted by Kleevah @ 01:00 1 comments

    Archives: September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 January 2006 March 2006